INDRALAYA – Thursday, August 10, 2023, Department of Agricultural Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sriwijaya held a Campus Activities Introduction for New Students. In the 2023/2024 academic year, Department of Agricultural Technology accepted 207 students, consisting of 102 students of Agricultural Product Technology Study Program and 105 students of Agricultural Engineering Study Program.
This event was attended by the Vice Dean for Academic of Faculty of Agriculture, Head and Secretary of Department of Agricultural Technology, Coordinator of Agricultural Product Technology Study Program and Coordinator of Agricultural Engineering Study Program, laboratory heads, professors, lecturers, laboratory staffs, administrative staffs, and student body (HIMATETA) of Department of Agricultural Technology. At this event, the head of department introduced the academic community of Department of Agricultural Technology. In addition, new students also received advice from the head of the department and lecturers, so that new students know more about Department of Agricultural Technology.
At this event, the launching of “Kobier Café” was also carried out as a form of entrepreneurial activity for students of Department of Agricultural Technology. The launching was officially conducted by Dean of Faculty of Agriculture Universitas Sriwijaya and Vice Dean for Student and Alumni. In the afternoon, new students also received motivation from alumni (Eva Anggraini Marpaung, S.TP.) as guest lecturer. She is the Manager of FID Blending and Packing of PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur. Through this activity, new students are expected to have high motivation to learn, and can implement academic and non-academic activities on campus successfully.
Introduction to Campus Activities for New Student (PK2MB) Faculty of Agriculture
INDRALAYA – Introduction to Campus Activities for New Students (PK2MB) Faculty of Agriculture is an activity that aims to introduce the academic atmosphere and lectures to new students of the Class of 2023. PK2MB was held on Wednesday, August 9, 2023 at the Hall of the Faculty of Agriculture, Sriwijaya University with the theme of Creating a Millennial Generation in Agriculture with Superior, Innovative, Responsive, and Competitive Characters. The PK2MB activity was attended by the Dean and Vice Deans of the Faculty of Agriculture of Sriwijaya University, Chairperson and Secretary of the Faculty of Agriculture Senate, Head of Units and Institutions, Head and Secretary of Departments, Study Program Coordinators, Head of Laboratories, Lecturers, and educational staff in the Faculty of Agriculture of Sriwijaya University.
The PK2MB event was opened officially by the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Prof. Dr. Ir. A. Muslim, M.Agr., who also welcomed 1066 new students of the Faculty of Agriculture Class of 2023. In the PK2MB event, the 60th Anniversary Launching of the Faculty of Agriculture of Sriwijaya University was also held and a Motivational Lecture was delivered by an alumnus of the Faculty of Agriculture who is currently the Head of the Regional Development Planning, Research and Development Agency of Palembang City, Mr. Ir. Harrey Hadi, M.S.
Pelaksanaan Mutual Check Awal (MC-0) Gedung Jurusan Perikanan dan Peternakan FP Unsri
INDRALAYA – Pada Selasa sore (08/08/2023) telah dilaksanakan kegiatan pemeriksaan bersama MC-0 Pembangunan Gedung Sarana Perkuliahan Jurusan Perikanan dan Teknologi dan Industri Peternakan, Kampus Indralaya, Fakultas Pertanian (FP), Universitas Sriwijaya (Unsri). Acara ini dihadiri oleh Rektor dan Wakil Rektor II Universitas Sriwijaya, Dekan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sriwijaya beserta jajarannya, tim pendamping dari BPKP dan Perkimtan Provinsi Sumsel, tim satuan pengawas internal (SPI) Unsri, tim pendukung PPK, konsultan perencana pembangunan gedung dan CV. Arya Pratama sebagai pemenang tender pembangunan.
Mengutip website, kegiatan pemeriksaan bersama MC-0 bertujuan untuk mencapai kesepakatan antara direksi dalam hal ini pemilik kuasa pengguna anggaran yaitu Rektor UNSRI dan kontraktor (CV. Arya Pratama) tentang kuantitas pekerjaan yang masuk dalam kontrak harga satuan sebelum kontrak dimulai. Menurut Dr. Mirza Antoni (Wakil Dekan II Fakultas Pertanian Unsri) sebagai pejabat pembuat komitmen, pekerjaan dijadwalkan dari bulan Agustus hingga bulan Desember 2023. Prof. Dr. Ir. A. Muslim, M.Agr. selaku Dekan Fakultas Pertanian Unsri, dalam sambutannya memberikan apresiasi yang sebesar-besarnya terhadap Pihak Rektorat yang telah merealisasikan pembangunan gedung dari dua jurusan yang terkategori muda di Fakultas Pertanian.
Rektor Universitas Sriwijaya, Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Anis Saggaff, MSCE, IPU, MKU, ASEAN.Eng dalam acara puncak MC-0 juga berpesan agar pengerjaan gedung dilakukan dengan sungguh-sungguh dan mengikuti segala peraturan yang berlaku. Beliau juga menguraikan alasan pemilihan lokasi gedung yang relatif dekat dengan Taman Firdaus Universitas Sriwijaya, yaitu diharapkan nantinya kedua jurusan tersebut dapat menginisiasi pemanfaatan embung sebagai salah satu tempat pengembangan penelitian dan pengajaran.
Friday, August 4, 2023, the Department of Agricultural Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sriwijaya released 15 students who will carry out the Student Body Capacity Building Program in Sukamenang Village, Gelumbang District, Muara Enim Regency. This activity is a program to strengthen the capacity of student body through a series of student body coaching processes by universities that are implemented in community service and empowerment programs. The topic to be implemented in Sukamenang Village is the technology of processing, packaging, and marketing of cassava rengginang and brownies.
This activity was attended by the Head and Secretary of the Department of Agricultural Technology, Student Advisors of the Agricultural Engineering Study Program and the Agricultural Product Technology Study Program, Sukamenang Village Secretary, Head of Village Youth Organization, and other village officials. Students will carry out the program in Sukamenang Village from August to September 2023. Through this activity, it is hoped that an innovative cassava processing business will be established in Sukamenang Village.
Dies Natalis event was held on August 1, 2023 to celebrate anniversary of Department of Agricultural Technology Faculty of Agriculture Universitas Sriwijaya with theme “Empowering Millennial Innovation and Creativity in Agricultural and Beyond: Navigating the Advanced Technological Era”. The event was held in the Hall of Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sriwijaya, Indralaya. The purpose of this activity was to strengthen friendship of big family of Department of Agricultural Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sriwijaya, and increase the students’ motivation and creativity of Department of Agricultural Technology. The event was attended by Dean of Faculty of Agriculture, Vice Dean, Head and Secretary of Department of Agricultural Technology, Coordinator of Agricultural Engineering Study Program, Coordinator of Agricultural Product Technology Study Program, Coordinator of Master Program in Agricultural Industrial Technology, Professors of Department of Agricultural Technology, lecturers of Department of Agricultural Technology, Head and Secretary of Department in Faculty of Agriculture, alumni and students of Department of Agricultural Technology, and student bodies in Faculty of Agriculture.
The 41st anniversary of Department of Agricultural Technology was officially opened by Dean of Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sriwijaya (Prof. Dr. Ir. A. Muslim, M.Agr.), followed by ribbon cutting by Vice Dean for Academic (Prof. Ir. Filli Pratama, M.Sc. (Hons)., Ph.D.) and the Vice Dean for Student and Alumni (Herpandi, S.Pi., M.Si., Ph.D.). This ribbon cutting indicated that series of activities began. The series of activities consisted of: Public Lecture, Alumni Goes to Campus, Essay Competition for National Level, Photography Competition for National Level, and Acoustic Competition. These activities will end in September 2023.
The organizing committee of the 41st anniversary activities (HIMATETA UNSRI), chaired by Alvin Cesar Saputra, assembled this activity with various performances from students of Department of Agricultural Technology. The event was hosted by Razusi Rijal Saputra and Sri Rizkita as the master of ceremony. Followed by singing the national anthem “Indonesia Raya” which was guided by Muthia Pratama Putri, then Tanggai Dance performance by the HIMATETA dance team (Duwi Nopita Sari, Dwi Puspita Sari, Nurholilah), Quran reading by Anton Purwanto and prayers by M. Yamustofa. Surah Al-Fatihah reading was delivered to the late lecturers of the Department of Agricultural Technology. In this event, HIMATETA Acoustic Team (Adhriko, Dimas, Arthur, Lolita, and Welman) performed the songs “Untukmu Himateta” and “Rumah Kita”, as well as showing the video “Department of Agricultural Technology from Time to Time”.
In this event, the committee also invited guest lecturers (Dr. Zainal Fanani, S.Si., M.Si. and Syamsul Asinar, S.TP.) to increase students’ motivation for entrepreneurship that was hosted by Cindy Amalia Putri as moderator. In the afternoon, the Alumni Goes to Campus event was also held in Seminar Room of Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sriwijaya. This event was attended by the Head and Secretary of the Department of Agricultural Technology, student advisors, alumni and HIMATETA UNSRI, and was hosted by Maria Ulfa and Tasha Ayu Islami. This activity was successful due to support of donors and sponsors, namely: alumni of Department of Agricultural Technology, lecturers of Department of Agricultural Technology, PT. Oasis, Iin Cake, CV. Citra Persada, PT Buyung, and Palm Plantation.
Yudisium Akbar Sarjana Perikanan Periode Juli 2023
INDRALAYA – Yudisium merupakan upacara pelantikan Sarjana Perikanan yang dilakukan secara rutin (setiap bulan) oleh Jurusan Perikanan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sriwijaya. Pada periode Juli 2023, atau Yudisium Sarjana Perikanan ke- 44, Jurusan Perikanan melantik 39 Sarjana Perikanan, yang terdiri dari 14 orang dari Program Studi Budidaya Perairan dan 25 orang dari Program Studi Teknologi Hasil Perikanan. Periode Yudisium kali ini merupakan yudisium terbesar selama terbentuknya Jurusan Perikanan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sriwijaya. Dari ke-39 Sarjana Perikanan yang diantik, sebanyak 25 orang (64%) merupakan Sarjana Perikanan dengan lulus 4 tahun atau lulus tepat waktu. Nilai Indeks Prestasi Komulatif (IPK) lulusan Sarjana Perikanan Periode Juli 2023, rata-rata di atas 3,0 sebanyak 82%. Ini menunjukan komitmen yang luar biasa dari Jurusan Perikanan untuk meningkatkan percepatan masa studi mahasiswa.
Yudisium Sarjan Perikanan Periode Juli 2023 dihadiri langsung oleh Pimpinan Fakultas Pertanian, yaitu Wakil Dekan Bidang Kemahasiswaan dan Alumni, Bapak Herpandi, S.Pi., M.Si., Ph.D, Ketua Jurusan Perikanan, Kepala Laboratorium di Lingkungan Jurusan Perikanan, serta Dosen-dosen Program Studi Teknologi Hasil Perikanan dan Budidaya Perikanan. Sebagai Lulusan terbaik dengan nilai IPK 3,88 dalam sambutannya memberikan apresiasi yang luar biasa terhadap Jurusan perikanan dengan semakin baiknya sistem akademik di Program Studi Teknologi Hasil Perikanan dan Program Studi Budidaya Perairan. Mewakili Dosen-dosen Jurusan Perikanan, Bapak Tanbiyaskur, S.Pi., MSi tetap menyampaikan pesan-pesannya sebagai seorang pendidik untuk tetap bersemangat menuntut ilmu meski sudah tidak berstatus sebagai mahasiswa Jurusan Perikanan, menjaga silaturahmi dengan keluarga Besar Unsri, khususnya Fakultas Pertanian dan Jurusan Perikanan, serta menjaga nama baik Universitas Sriwijaya.
Sementara itu Wakil Dekan III Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sriwijaya, mengucapkan Terima kasih kepada seluruh Civitas Akademik Jurusan Perikanan, baik Dosen, tenaga kependidikan, segenap pimpinan di lingkungan Jurusan Perikanan, serta para alumni, yang telah bersinergi dalam meningkatkan jumlah lulusan, nilai IPK alumni serta mempercepat masa studi lulusan. Selain itu WD III juga kembali berpesan untuk menjaga nama baik Universitas Sriwijaya, karena alumni merupakan Duta bagi Unsri di Masyarakat. Nama baik Universitas Sriwijaya sangat ditentukan oleh track and record alumni di Masyarakat.
Department of Agriculture Technology Inaugurates 40 New Undergraduates
On July 31, 2023, the Department of Agriculture Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sriwijaya inaugurated 40 Bachelor of Agriculture Technology graduates, consisting of 20 bachelor’s degree from the Agriculture Engineering Study Program and 20 bachelor’s degree from the Agricultural Product Technology Study Program. 9 bachelor’s degree received cum laude predicate.
The graduation ceremony was attended by the Head of Department, Secretary of Department, Study Program Coordinator, and lecturers. The ceremony was conducted in the Seminar Room of the Department of Agriculture Technology, Indralaya. The new graduates were inaugurated by the Head of Department as the representative of the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture.
Untuk Mencegah Air Bersih Tercemar, FP UNSRI menggunakan Bak Penampungan Air Tertutup
Air merupakan salah kebutuhan utama untuk keberlangsungan hidup. Menjaga agar air tidak tercemar merupakan tanggung jawab semua pihak termasuk lembaga pendidikan. Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI) merupakan salah satu lembaga pendidikan di Sumatera Selatan yang memiliki beberapa fakultas salah satunya adalah Fakultas Pertanian (FP). FP UNSRI telah membangun bak penampungan air. Hal ini dilakukan untuk mencegah cemaran atau polusi terhadap sumber air. Bak penampungan air terbuat dari beton yang sebagian dibangun di tanah. Di sekitar bak tersebut kemudian juga dibangun saluran yang tepat untuk menghindari adanya limbah cair mengalir ke arah bak penampungan. Selain membangun bak penampungan air, FP UNSRI juga menyediakan tempat penampungan menggunakan commercial water tank untuk mencegah polusi terhadap air tersebut. Bak-bak penampungan tersebut secara berkala dicek untuk memastikan bahwa bak tersebut masih berfungsi dengan baik. Proses pengujian kualitas air juga dilakukan secara berkala.
Fakultas Pertanian UNSRI menyediakan Akses Air Minum Gratis
Air merupakan kebutuhan utama manusia untuk kelangsungan hidup dan digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, misalnya sebagai air minum. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air minum di lingkungan Fakultas Pertanian (FP) Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI), FP UNSRI menyediakan akses air minum gratis untuk tenaga pendidik dan kependidikan. Pengadaan air minum tersebut dianggarkan melalui masing-masing unit kerja. Air minum gratis tersebut juga dapat diakses oleh mahasiswa atau tamu di lingkungan FP maupun UNSRI yang membutuhkan. Air minum yang disediakan telah memenuhi standar air minum yang telah ditetapkan oleh pemerintah.
Fakultas Pertanian UNSRI Memanfaatkan Air Tanah sebagai Sumber Air Bersih
Air merupakan kebutuhan utama yang dibutuhkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI) memperoleh sumber dari bersih dari PDAM, air sungai, dan air tanah. Dalam mendukung ketersediaan air di lingkungan Fakultas Pertanian (FP) UNSRI, FP UNSRI memanfaatkan air tanah sebagai sumber air bersih. Air tanah (aquifer) tersebut diektrak/diambil menggunakan sumur bor. Air tersebut kemudian ditampung dalam bak penampungan air dalam tanah (underground water tank). Setelah ditampung, air tersebut dapat langsung digunakan untuk menyiram tanaman dan sebagai lagi diproses menggunakan teknologi filtrasi untuk kemudian digunakan keperluan sehari-hari untuk civitas kampus.