Dies Natalis event was held on August 1, 2023 to celebrate anniversary of Department of Agricultural Technology Faculty of Agriculture Universitas Sriwijaya with theme “Empowering Millennial Innovation and Creativity in Agricultural and Beyond: Navigating the Advanced Technological Era”. The event was held in the Hall of Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sriwijaya, Indralaya. The purpose of this activity was to strengthen friendship of big family of Department of Agricultural Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sriwijaya, and increase the students’ motivation and creativity of Department of Agricultural Technology. The event was attended by Dean of Faculty of Agriculture, Vice Dean, Head and Secretary of Department of Agricultural Technology, Coordinator of Agricultural Engineering Study Program, Coordinator of Agricultural Product Technology Study Program, Coordinator of Master Program in Agricultural Industrial Technology, Professors of Department of Agricultural Technology, lecturers of Department of Agricultural Technology, Head and Secretary of Department in Faculty of Agriculture, alumni and students of Department of Agricultural Technology, and student bodies in Faculty of Agriculture.
The 41st anniversary of Department of Agricultural Technology was officially opened by Dean of Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sriwijaya (Prof. Dr. Ir. A. Muslim, M.Agr.), followed by ribbon cutting by Vice Dean for Academic (Prof. Ir. Filli Pratama, M.Sc. (Hons)., Ph.D.) and the Vice Dean for Student and Alumni (Herpandi, S.Pi., M.Si., Ph.D.). This ribbon cutting indicated that series of activities began. The series of activities consisted of: Public Lecture, Alumni Goes to Campus, Essay Competition for National Level, Photography Competition for National Level, and Acoustic Competition. These activities will end in September 2023.
The organizing committee of the 41st anniversary activities (HIMATETA UNSRI), chaired by Alvin Cesar Saputra, assembled this activity with various performances from students of Department of Agricultural Technology. The event was hosted by Razusi Rijal Saputra and Sri Rizkita as the master of ceremony. Followed by singing the national anthem “Indonesia Raya” which was guided by Muthia Pratama Putri, then Tanggai Dance performance by the HIMATETA dance team (Duwi Nopita Sari, Dwi Puspita Sari, Nurholilah), Quran reading by Anton Purwanto and prayers by M. Yamustofa. Surah Al-Fatihah reading was delivered to the late lecturers of the Department of Agricultural Technology. In this event, HIMATETA Acoustic Team (Adhriko, Dimas, Arthur, Lolita, and Welman) performed the songs “Untukmu Himateta” and “Rumah Kita”, as well as showing the video “Department of Agricultural Technology from Time to Time”.
In this event, the committee also invited guest lecturers (Dr. Zainal Fanani, S.Si., M.Si. and Syamsul Asinar, S.TP.) to increase students’ motivation for entrepreneurship that was hosted by Cindy Amalia Putri as moderator. In the afternoon, the Alumni Goes to Campus event was also held in Seminar Room of Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sriwijaya. This event was attended by the Head and Secretary of the Department of Agricultural Technology, student advisors, alumni and HIMATETA UNSRI, and was hosted by Maria Ulfa and Tasha Ayu Islami. This activity was successful due to support of donors and sponsors, namely: alumni of Department of Agricultural Technology, lecturers of Department of Agricultural Technology, PT. Oasis, Iin Cake, CV. Citra Persada, PT Buyung, and Palm Plantation.